Getting Auto and Home Insurance Quotes is faster and easier than you think.
Most people think that shopping for auto and home insurance is time consuming and a huge hassle. Well, at Insurance Services Of Texas in Frisco, we have simplified the process. Once we have the following info, we will run quotes through all of our major carriers to find you the best coverage for the best price.
We need your current declarations pages for each policy. You get declarations pages about a month prior to your renewal each year or 6 months. They are usually 1 to 4 pages showing all coverages, VIN #s, prices, dates, policy numbers, etc. You can fax or email these to us. If you don’t have them, you can usually go online to get them or have your agent email them to you. Or if you prefer, you can call and read us the info we need off the declarations pages.
We also need:
For Auto Quotes:
- Name of each driver in household?
- Date of birth for each driver in household? (must have DOB, SS#, and DL# for all drivers)
- Social security number for each driver?
- Driver’s license number?
- Occupation for each driver?
- Highest level of education for each driver
- Are all cars paid for or do they have lienholders?
- How do you pay for your current auto insurance? Annually, every 6 months monthly bank draft?
- If by monthly bank draft, what is the day of the month it is drafted?
For Home Quotes:
- What approx. year did you buy your house?
- What was the approx. sales price?
- What could you sell the house for today?
- When was the last time your roof was replaced?
- Is your roof made of composition shingle?
- Are there any problems with the roof right now?
- What type of garage?
- Do you have a monitored burglar alarm?
- Do you have a swimming pool?
- Do you have a trampoline?
- Do you have animals? If so how many and what kind?
- What is the name of your mortgage company?
- Do you have an escrow acct that pays your home insurance and taxes or do you pay your own?
- Do you have any of the following that might need additional coverage: jewelry, fine arts, guns, collections, antiques, etc